What is CNC ?

From: 本站 Date: 31st August 2021 Author: shengangtong Views: 691


NC (Numerical Control)
NCilthnologo hat uses dgtal sgnals 1o aumaial comrol oipetes ouch as he motion of he machine lo and ts woring
process), rferred to as numerical control.

NC Technology
NC refers the organic cntol ehnoloy hat uses numbers, lees and symbols 10 pogom a cetain working process.

NC System
NC system refers to the organic integrated system of software and hadware moules the function of NC techology
is the carrier of NC technology

CnC System (Computer Numerical Control Sytem)

CNC (Computer Numeical Contol) system rfe to the numerical control system with computer as the core.
CNC Machine Tools

CNC machine efes to a machine to hat uses CNC tehnoloy 1o conrol the mahining pcs. or a machine to equipped with
a CNC system.
NC Definition
Numeical Contol is the full fom of NC for machine tool, (Numirca Cotol 0NC) enables an operator to communicate with machine
tools through numbers and symbols.

CNC Definition
CNC is the abbreviation of Computer Numberiacal Control. CNC has brought tremendous changes to the manufacturing business.
New machine tools with CNC have enabled industry to consistently produce parts to accuracies undreamed of only a few years ago.
The same part can be reproduced to the same degree of accuracy any number of times if the CNC program has been properly
prepared and the computer properly programmed. The operating commands which control the machine tool are executed
automatically with amazing speed, accuracy, eficiency, and repeatability.
CNC machining is a computerized manufacturing process, the machine is connected to a computer, the computer will tell it where to
move. First, the CNC operator should do the toolpath creation, the operator uses a software program to draw the shapes and create
the tool path that the machine will fllow.
The ever-increasing use of CNC in industry has created a need for personnel who are knowledgeable about and capable of preparing
the programs which guide the machine tools to produce parts to the required shape and accuracy. With this in mind, the authors
have prepared this textbook to take the mystery out of CNC - to put it into a logical sequence and express it in simple language that
everyone can understand. The preparation of a program is explained in a logical step-by-step procedure, with practical examples to
guide the user. 
CNC technology consists of three parts: machine tool body, CNC system and peripheral technology.
The machine frame kit is mainly composed of basic parts such as bed, column, guide rail, working table and other supporting parts
such as tool holder and tool magazine.
The numerical control system is composed of input/output equipment, computer numerical control (CNC) device, Programmable
Logic Control (PLC), spindle servo drive device, feed servo drive device and measuring device. Among them, the CNC device is the
core of the numerical control system.
Peripheral technology mainly incldes tool technology (tool system), programming technology, and management technology.

CNC technology consists of three parts: machine tool body, CNC system and peripheral technology.
The machine frame kit is mainly composed of basic parts such as bed, column, guide rail, working table and other supporting parts
such as tool holder and tool magazine.
The numerical control system is composed of input/output equipment, computer numerical control (CNC) device, Programmable
Logic Control (PLC), spindle servo drive device, feed servo drive device and measuring device. Among them, the CNC device is the
core of the numerical control system.
Peripheral technology mainly includes too technology (tool system), programming technology, and management technology.

CNC: Computer Numenical Control.
G Code: A nherel nmeical coro 0NC) machine to lgugoe ha seie axis poits o wmich h mache wi none.
CAD: Computer Aided Design.
CAM: Computer Aided Manufacturing.
PLT HPGL: Standard Language for printing vector based drawing. suppprted by CAD drawing
Step Down: Dstace in Zaxis that the cuting tl plungs into the matrial.
Step Over. Maximum dstance inXor Y axis that cuting tol wil engave with in to the material.
Spindle Speed: Rotational speed of cuting tool (RPM).
Home Position (Machine Zero): Machine designated zero point determined by physical limit switches.

(It does not identify actualwork origin when processing a workpiece.)
Climb Cut: Cutter rotates with direction of feed. Climb cutting prevents tearout, but can lead to chatter marks with a straigh-futed
bit; a spiral-futed bit will reduce chatter.
Work Origin (Work Zero): The user-designated zero point for the workpiece, from which the head will perform all it's cutting. X, Y
and Z axes are set to zero.
LCD: Liquid Crystal Display (used on the contoller).
U Disk: External data storage device that is inserted into a USB interface.

High Accuracy
CNC machines are highly integrated mechatronic products, which are composed of precision machinery and automatic control
systems. They have high positioning accuracy and repeat positioning accuracy. The transmission system and the structure have
high rigidity and stability to reduce errors. Therefore, CNC machine has higher machining accuracy, especially the consistency of
parts manufacturing in the same batch, and the product quality is stable, the pass rate is high, which is incomparable with ordinary
machine tools.
High Efficiency
CNC machines can use a larger amount of cutting, which effectively saves processing time. CNC machines also have automatic
speed change, automatic tool change and other automatic operation functions, which greatly shorten the auxiliary time, and once a
stable processing process is formed, there is no need to perform inter-process inspection and measurement. Therefore, the
productivity of CNC machining is 3-4 times higher than that of ordinary machine tools, or even more.
High Adaptability
CNC machine performs automatic processing according to the CNC program of the processed parts. When the machining object
changes, as long as the CNC program is changed, there is no need to use special process equipment such as masters and
templates. This is helpful to shorten the production preparation cycle and promote product replacement.
High Machinability
Some mechanical parts formed by complex curves and curved surfaces are dificult to process or even impossible to complete with
conventional techniques and manual operations, and can be easily realized by CNC machines using multi-coordinate axes linkage.
High Economic Value
CNC machining centers mostly use process concentration, and one machine is multi-purpose. In the case of one clamping, most
parts of the parts can be processed. CNC machining center can replace several ordinary machine tools. This can not only reduce
clamping errors, save auxiliary time between transportation, measurement, and clamping between processes, but also reduce the
types of machine tools, save machine tool area, and bring higher economic benefits.

From the perspective of CNC technology and equipment applications in the world, its main application areas are as follows:
Manufacturing Industry
The machinery manufacturing industry is the earliest industry to apply CNC technology, and it is responsible for providing advanced
equipment for various industries of the national economy. The main applications are the development and manufacturing of five-axis
vertical machining centers for modern military equipment, five-axis machining centers, large-scale fve axis gantry milling, CNC
machine tools for flexible manufacturing lines for engines, gearboxes, and crankshafts in the automotive industry, and high-speed
machining centers, as well as welding, assembly, painting robots, plate laser welding machines and laser cutting machines, high-
speed five-coordinate machining centers for machining propellers, engines, generators and turbine blade parts in the aviation, marine
and power generation industries, heavy duty turning and milling complex machining center, etc.
Information Industry
In the information industry, from computer to network, mobile communication, telemetry, remote control and other equipment, it is
necessary to adopt manufacturing equipment based on super-precision technology and nanotechnology, such as wire bonding
machines for chip manufacturing, wafer lithography machines, etc. The control of these equipment needs to use CNC technology.
Medical Equipment Industry
In the medical industry, many modern medical diagnosis and treatment equipment have adopted numerical control technology, such
as CT diagnostic instruments, whole body treatment machines and minimally invasive surgical robots based on visual guidance,
orthodontics and dental restoration in stomatology are required. Using high-precision CNC machines to produce teeth.
Military Equipment
Many modern military equipment use servo motion control technology, such as automatic aiming control of atillery, tracking control

Other Industries
In the ight industy there are pinting machinery, txtile machiery. packaging machiney and wowoking machinery that use,
mutiaxis senvo cntot, in the bulding marials idusty, there are CNC watejet cuting machies for stone pocessing. CNC glass
engaving machines for glass pocessing. CNC sewing machine used for smimons pocessing and CNC embroidery machine used
for clothing pocessing, in the art industry., more and more cats and at works wll be produced using high prformane 5 axis CNC.

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  • Most Helpful Reviews

    Jacob from United States

    I am a beginner at CNC, I’ve never used a CNC machine before and with in a day I was carving. An awesome machine for a beginner to learn as hobbyists. I used the manual and the help video. One hour to assemble and test, very friendly and easy to use. It’s a good buy for the money. I would definitely recommend this machine to someone getting into CNCs.

    Weinstein from France

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