Precision Cutting Stents with Fiber Lasers
From: 本站 Date: 11th March 2021 Author: admin Views: 3376
Last year in the our country alone, nearly 2 million stents were implanted in heart patients to help improve overall health as well as save patient lives. With so much riding on the effectiveness of these life-saving devices, stents demand the highest precision and quality control during manufacturing. To meet the medical industry’s stringent requirements, stent manufacturers have turned to fiber lasers as the primary choice for precision cutting stents. Selecting the right laser is critical to ensuring the highest quality stent cut, we would like to share the following background on how to choose the right laser for your stent cutting projects.
What is a stent?
In case you are new to the topic, a stent is a thin, flexible tube made of metal or polymer that is inserted into a blocked passageway, such as an artery, and inflated to keep it open. The stent acts as a barrier that pushes blockages like plaque against the passage’s walls to allow for the free flow of blood, or other fluids depending on the stent’s usage. Coronary stents are the most common type of stent.
Materials Used for Manufacturing Stents
316 Stainless Steel (SS 316): Chromium, nickel and molybdenum alloy
Nitinol (NiFi): Nickel and titanium alloy
Magnesium (Mg) Alloys
Platinum Chromium Alloy
Stents come in many shapes and sizes depending on their usage. No matter the destined application, all stents have a complex geometry that require a precise cutting technique.
Material Stents can be cut from a variety of different metal alloys and polymers. Each material poses a unique challenge for stent cutting. Manufacturers also have to consider biocompatibility.
Heat Damage
Laser cutting may have a minimal heat affected zone (HAZ), but manufacturers may need to account for additional processes to combat microcracks and other thermal damage that could occur with stent cutting.
According to the FDA’s Title 21 CFR Part 11 requirements, manufacturers must maintain records of each step of the manufacturing process, including the cutting of stents.• Previous: Pay attention to CNC router quality rather than CNC router price

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