What's the differences between Raycus, JPT, Max, and IPG fiber source?
From: 本站 Date: 18th February 2024 Author: SENYOQC Views: 1154
Do you want to know what is the difference between Raycus, JPT, MAX, IPG ?
When we are buying a fiber laser machine we can find that many different brands are offering various fiber laser power sources.
Some of them are Chinese
power source brands, others are USA brands, and others are German
Amount all these brands of fiber laser power sources which one is the best? What's the difference between them?
Which fiber power laser source is cheaper? Which one is the most popular? In this blog, we want to explain this to let you chose the right machine for your application.
There is a big difference
Many people wonder why some Raycus machines are cheap and IPG is expensive.
This price difference is not because one power source is Chinese-made and the other is German-made.
The main difference is the engraving result, the quality of the machine, the final warranty, and the materials it can mark.
This difference is also between Chinese and Singapore fiber power sources.
If we compare JPT, Max, and Raycus, we can find that one of them is better than the rest of the Chinese and Singapore brands.
Is there any way to see how many materials I can engrave with one power laser source or another?
It may be hard to tell which power laser source can engrave a group
of materials or not. But you may see the difference in the engraving
Which brands are the most popular and why?
Four brands are the most sold in the fiber laser engraving machine industry
This brand is cheap, and this is the main reason most of the companies use it, is not famous for a quality engraving and also have less warranty than other fiber power sources. This brand also has a small range frequency between 20 to 80 kHz, which makes it have a short range of engraving materials. In comparison with other brands, Raycus doesn't offer too much advantage to the customer, but it can be very cheap, and as a result, machines build with this power source are low cost.
This Singaporean brand has a different laser power source, some of them are limited by 20 to 80kHz (low-cost JPT), and other models offer less warranty. This brand is famous because it provides excellent quality, excellent engraving, and stability at the time of work with their premium models, as JPT-X or MOPA.
Max is another fiber power source famous for being cheap, but the main difference between this brand and raycus is that max has better stability and a better warranty than raycus. Max has a small range of 20 to 80 kHz what it makes the brand have the same issues of raycus, a short-range of engraving materials.
Max is another fiber power source known for being inexpensive, but unlike Raycus, MAX laser generators have better stability than Raycus. The MAX fiber optic sources also have the same Raycus disadvantage with an engraving range between 20 to 80 kHz, which makes them share the same engraving drawbacks: little or no engraving capacity on plastics and low capacity for doing different effects on metal materials. The other significant disadvantage of the Max laser sources is their lack of clarity about the warranty. Sometimes, it is one year, and other times if the damage occurs within the first ten months, the warranty and repairs are users' responsibility.
• Previous: What Is Custom Laser Engraving?
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I'm getting a little bit closer to completing more art deco jewelry use fiber laser marking machine.Thank you Senyo

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